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Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic medicine is a perfect fit for Prairie Health and Wellness. Many of the core principles of naturopathic medicine align with the approach that Prairie Health and Wellness takes in treating their patients. We work to find the root cause(s) of any illness, and try to offer more supportive care rather than suppress or replace function. However, when times are appropriate for what we like to call "higher force intervention", Prairie Health and Wellness has the ability to take an integrative approach as a team.
Naturopathic doctors are trained to appropriately identify when the patient needs medication or surgery and refer accordingly. Most of the time the patients I work with need education and guidance for healthier lifestyle practices, or supplemental support to treat a variety of conditions. But when something comes up that needs more aggressive therapies, Prairie Health and Wellness has the team members that allow us to take the next step in our patients' care.