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Family Medicine
A family doctor is a health care practitioner who sees people that have common medical problems. This person is also commonly called a Primary Care Provider (PCP). Your PCP is often involved in your care for a long time and will help to navigate the complexities of specialty care when necessary.
The role of your family doctor is to…
· provide counseling on preventive care
· teach about healthy lifestyle
· diagnose and treat medical problems (like hypertension)
· recommend dietary changes and interventions
· provide cost effective procedural care (joint injections, mole removal and more)
· make referrals to medical specialists and coordinate care when necessary
It’s best to have one relationship with a PCP that you trust over a long period of time. The more your family doctor knows about you, the better care he or she can provide you. When choosing your primary care provider, it’s important to consider how this person views their relationship with you, how accessible they are to you, and how willing they are to work with your individual issues to achieve your goals. Bottom line: your health is your most important physical asset and you deserve a doctor who feels the same.